Overview of MPCB
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board is an acronym as MPCB. It is an establishment which implements various environment legislations over the territory of Maharashtra State. With the development towards industrialization, the pollution level over space has also been increasing day by day. This is leading to the demolition of the environment's natural beauty. Thus the need for a pollution control board arrived.
In Maharashtra, the Pollution Control Board was adopted on 7th September 1970. The MPCB is governed by the Environment Department of Maharashtra Government. Maharashtra Pollution Control Board is mainly responsible for pollution control over the state of Maharashtra. It lays down various rules, regulations and precautions for the same.
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board provides the consent certificate i.e. consent to establish and consent to operate to the industry, establishments, and units in the state of Maharashtra. By providing consent to industries, the MPCB also binds the industrial units with the compliances towards the safety and protection of the environment and try making it pollution free.
What is MPCB?
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board is an organization which implements environment related laws for the territory of Maharashtra. The MPCB withholds the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1977, Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1982,
Environment Protection Act, 1986. Further, Biomedical Waste Rules, 2016, Hazardous Waste Rules, 2016, Municipal Solid Waste Rules, 2016. It lays down the rules to preserve nature to its originality. To follow the same, the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board imposes taxes and penalties in order to control the pollution.
MPCB plays a significant role in developing new techniques and ideas to control pollution into the state. It also suggests and encourages entrepreneurs to produce eco- friendly products. It guides and supports the development of the field. This helps to control the pollution.
MPCB has classified the industries into different categories and has prescribed pollution index respectively. So the industries who register under the MPCB are required to register according to the pollution index rate released from industry.
MPCB Consent Certificate or License
Any establishment, industry or unit discharge effluents into water, air, land, etc through which the environment gets affected negatively. These units are strictly required to obtain a consent certificate or license from Maharashtra Pollution Control Board. It is done so mainly to protect the environment from harm and save human health. MPCB Consent is mainly classified into two types:

- Consent to Establish
- Consent to Operate
Consent to establish is considered as the foremost requirement to ensure pollution aspects are according to the pollution act. It needs to be acquired by all industry, units, establishments who are engaged in discharging effluents into water, air, land. The consent to establish shall be obtained by Maharashtra Pollution Control Board.
The consent to operate is required to be obtained by the establishment before commission of industry and to discharge effluents into water, air, and land according to the pollution act. It is regarded as secondary consent for the establishment. The consent to operate shall be obtained by Maharashtra Pollution Control Board within the prescribed time.
Categories prescribed by MPCB
The Maharashtra Pollution Control Board has prescribed different categories for obtaining consent on the basis of pollution index. Categorization of industries is done in order to deal with environment safety objectives and to control the pollution level which is drawn out of industries. Following mentioned are the categories classified with their pollution index:

- Red Category
- Orange Category
- Green Category
- White Category
The pollution index for the red category has been fixed to 60 and above.
The pollution index for orange category starts from 41 to 59.
The green category pollution index is determined from 21 to 40.
The White category pollution index is up to 20. This category is for those industries which are pollution free industries.
Functions of Maharashtra Pollution Control Board
The MPCB performs various functions to save the environment and decrease the amount of pollution in the environment. Some of the functions of MPCB are as follows:
- To plan out environment programs for its precautions, preventions, and control of pollution.
- To inspect and review the plans in establishment of sewage effluents treatment, its air pollution control system.
- MPCB also encourages developments for control of pollution. To develop its practices, recycle of waste, reuse of waste, eco- friendly arrangement of waste, etc.
- To educate and guide the entrepreneurs for environment pollution safety measures and to implement the same.
- MPCB provides suggestions to the entrepreneurs regarding the highly innovative techniques to control pollution.
- MPCB also creates awareness in the public for maintaining the environment clean.
- The Public complaints related to pollution over the territory are also headed by MPCB.
- MPCB also performs the function for providing License and Consent Certificate to the applicant.
Role of MPCB
The Maharashtra Pollution Control Board has a great role towards the pollution control over the territory. Following are some of them mentioned:
- To gather and disperse the information of pollution and its prevention, control, or reduction accordingly.
- To examine sewage, pollution control planning, treatment plants, and any other related information thereto.
- Empowering the improvements for pollution control by re-use of waste, eco- friendly practices, etc.
Significance of MPCB Certificate
The Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Certificate/ License has importance for various reasons. Some of which are mentioned as follows:
- It is important to have an MPCB Certificate for any new Water association.
- It is also important for obtaining a license from eating house license or its renewal.
- For the changes made in the Electricity association.
- In the case of establishing a new industry in the territory or for continuing with the existing industry the MPCB License holds importance.
- While obtaining NOC from the Central Ground Water Authority it is mandatory to show.
- When Municipal authority issues a license or renewal to the establishment.
- To obtain a license for International Trade MPCB Certificate holds importance.
- To obtain NOC from the Fire Department the MPCB Certificate holds importance.
Who needs to obtain a Consent Certificate from MPCB?
All individuals who run an establishment/ industry and generate, store, transport, dispose off or handle hazardous waste as mentioned in Hazardous Waste Rules, 1989. Thus all such entities who are engaged in such hazardous waste management and other establishments discharging pollutants into water or causing air, water pollution need to obtain consent from Maharashtra Pollution Control Board before beginning such process. Some of the establishments who requires MPCB consent certificate are mentioned as below:
- All health care establishments
- All manufacturing units
- E- waste management substances
- Solid waste management substances
- Hazardous waste management substances
- Battery waste management substances
- Plastic waste management substances
- Bio- medical waste management substances
- All other traders engaged in such similar workings.
Exemptions for obtaining consent from MPCB
Following are the entities which are excluded from obtaining consent from Maharashtra Pollution Control Board:
- The establishments whose plant and machinery is not worth more than Rs. 1 crore are excluded to obtain consent from MPCB.
- Also the establishments who are not worth Rs. 2 crore for machinery hosiery items are not required to obtain consent from MPCB.
- All industries who don't discharge any pollution into the atmosphere i.e. air, land and water etc.
- All industries which don't generate hazardous or toxic substances.
- The industries which are established over demarcated areas.
Objectives of MPCB
MPCB has the following objectives:

- Prevention
- Waste Management
- Sustainable Development
- Awareness in Society
- Compliances
The main aim of Maharashtra Pollution Control Board was to prevent the natural resources from being extinct and save it for the future generation and also to use the natural resources by not harming the environment.
Another objective of MPCB is to manage the waste accordingly. By proper waste management (especially hazardous) the environment will be protected by being damaged.
Sustainable Development is one of the great processes due to its quality. Development of the nation through sustainable manner is required to be opted in today’s era. So the MPCB has developed such a process through which sustainable development could be taken into consideration.
MPCB has also raised another objective for Pollution control in the society to promote the awareness among the group. By awareness in the society and convincing the public at large to use such things which are bio- degradable? This will result in pollution control.
MPCB has led down various compliances for pollution control over the territory for industries and other related establishments to reduce the pollution level in the territory.
Information Required for MPCB Registration
Following are some information required to be submitted for MPCB Registration:
- Topographical Map of the Industry/ Establishment.
- Site plan of the Industry/ Establishment.
- Process stream sheet.
- Details for control of pollution of air and water and the gadgets used or will be used for the same.
- Ambient air quality report.
- A NOC issued by the Directorate of industries government of Maharashtra to the applicant.
- G.T.D. Registration.
- Detailed design plant of different procedures in Industry.
- Design plan of waste outflows.
- Consent expenses of MPCB.
- NOC obtained from any local body.
- Proper legal document about the capital investment in the industry which is certified from CA (Chartered Accountant).
Validity of MPCB Certificate
The MPCB Certificate License granted is limited for a period of time although it can be renewed later. Different classification has different validity periods. Thus Orange Classification is valid for five years from the date of Certificate granted. Next, the Green Classification will be provided for the greatest ten years.
Any changes or expansion required to be made in the course of business activities shall be brought into the notice of Maharashtra Pollution Control Committee within the prescribed time and are required to obtain consent for the same.
Documents Requirement
Following are the different documents required for MPCB Registration and MPCB Consent Certificate:--
1. MPCB Registration
To obtain MPCB Registration following documents are required to be disclosed by the applicant within the prescribed time:
- Consent application form.
- DD number bank for statutory fees.
- Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC) agreement.
- For non MIDC- NOC copy from Gram Panchayat is required to be submitted.
- Final design of the industry.
- Details of water utility, reused, etc in the industry.
- Details of every product manufactured in the industry.
- Details of Raw materials used in a month or on yearly basis.
- Details of manufactured products in a month.
- Details of all the waste produced and procedure for its decomposing.
- All other required details by the MPCB authority.
2. MPCB Consent Certificate
Following are the documents required to be submitted by the applicant to obtain MPCB consent certificate:
- Establishment (Industry) Registration details.
- Balance sheet of Capital Investment.
- Manufacturing production details of flow diagram.
- Capital Investment’s balance sheet.
- Certificate of Land ownership.
- Pollution control system- precautions and other related details.
- Aadhar Card and PAN Card of owner, partners or any other related key person.
- Aadhar of Udyog.
- MOA and AOA.
- GST Certificate.
- NOC from the local authority.
- Other essential requirements
Procedure for MPCB Registration and Consent
MPCB Consent Certificate can be obtained via online and offline mode. Firstly the registration is required to be obtained and then consent can be added furtherance to that. To obtain MPCB registration and consent following steps shall be taken into consideration:

- Registration
- Application Form
- Documents submission
- Application for Consent
- Inspection
- Grant of Consent
Firstly, the establishment or industry needs to register themselves under MPCB before applying for its consent. The registration must be obtained by the concerned industry by submitting all the required details.
After getting the business registered, the business has to file the application form commonly known as CAF (Common Application Form). The form shall be filled with all the required information asked in it. It includes the details such as name, contact, address, industry details, project details, details of total cost (estimated) in project engaged, details of production, financial details, etc.
Next, the applicant needs to submit all the required documents. It includes documents like Aadhar Card, PAN Card of industry and authorized person, Company Registration details, Directors details, TIN Certificate, etc.
After successful registration, the applicant needs to apply for the consent of the MPCB. The applicant then needs to provide the documents for the required consent to obtain. For obtaining consent, the details are required mainly of the industry and the applicant. After submitting the documents, the applicant needs to pay out the prescribed fee by MPCB.
When the application form is submitted, the concerned authority is authorized to inspect the application form, related documents, industry inspection, etc. Inspection is performed by the authority to satisfy the required norms to be fulfilled. It checks control measures for waste removal from the unit and pollution control framework. The authority inspecting can also suggest measures to control pollution.
When the inspection is completed and the related authority finds it to be true, the MPCB authority grants the applicant consent. On the other hand, if the applicant is not found to be true, it could be rejected by the authority and shall specify the reasons for rejection.
Renewal of MPCB Consent Certificate
MPCB Consent Certificate once obtained needs renewal after expiry of its time period. Renewal is applicable on Red, Green and Orange categories. The consent certificate can also be auto renewed if the conditions for the same are met for it such as if the capital venture doesn’t increment by 10%. No expansion in the pollution, etc.
Penalty Imposed by MPCB
MPCB imposes penalty upon the establishments if the registered industry or unit doesn’t deal with the compliances on prescribed period. Following are some penalties imposed:
- If the establishment doesn’t obtain the consent in the required time then the establishment will be penalized with 20% of actual amount as delayed charges. It shall be paid while applying for the consent.
- If the renewal process is not taken into consideration up to 30 days by the applicant then an additional 5% charges have been imposed on him
- If the industry doesn’t apply or obtain the renewal by 31 to 90 days, an additional 10% charge is imposed on the applicant.
- The charges get incremented by 5% by lapse of prescribed time.
BizAdvisors Assistance for MPCB
Bizadvisors is one of the leading cloud based technology companies which provide legal services and many more services. We provide Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Registration and its consent to operate and consent to establish with minimum time period and costing. The services we provide for Maharashtra Pollution Control Board are as follows:
- We provide our best professionals to guide you for Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Registration and other consent requirements.
- You just need to book an appointment with us and our experts will help you out with your query related to Maharashtra Pollution Control Board.
- You need to submit the required documents and information for MPCB Registration, consent and our professional will prepare the application in prescribed format.
- We have experts through which we can provide you registration in a minimum time period.
- We also provide various other requirements for the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board.
- We provide a quick reminder of validity expiration and renew the registration before its expiry to your convenience.
- We provide you updates regarding the status of registration applied for.
Why to choose Bizadvisors?
The Bizadvisors have great facility for the client’s business upbringing and following are some reasons one should choose Bizadvisors:

- We minimize legal requirements.
- Our clients can also keep track of the progress on our platform at any moment.
- Our knowledgeable professionals are here to answer any queries you have.
- We will make sure that your interactions with professionals are pleasant and smooth.
- We always try our best to make our clients happy with the legal services we provide.
- We provide free legal advice.
- Our prices are transparent and reasonable.
- We deliver your work on time
- We have a team of experts.
- We give money back guarantees as well.
- 200+ CA and CS assisted us in our work.
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Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Registration is mandatory to be obtained by the entire industrialist. The main aim to enforce MPCB was to control the pollution arising due to industrialization in the territory of Maharashtra. MPCB has made rules and regulations regarding pollution control and the industrialists have to follow up the same.
The MPCB procedure to obtain is complex in itself due to its documentation submission and other requirements. All these cannot be compiled by the business man himself. Thus the need for Professionals is to make the process hassle free and obtain the registration in minimum time.
Bizadvisors provides all the services for Maharashtra Pollution Control Board and its compliances. The one who requires consent or registration in regard to MPCB can contact our professionals at bizadviors.io. We at Bizadvisors provide all such services to our clients. Our professionals have great knowledge of MPCB compliances and deliver the result with minimum time and costing. So contact Bizadvisors for any query related to MPCB and its registration.
Frequently Asked Questions
MPCB stands for Maharashtra pollution Control Board. The board is established to control the increasing level of pollution in the territory of Maharashtra. It lays down rules and regulations for the establishments to control pollution. It guides, supports, educates and encourages the entrepreneurs for new innovative ideas for recycling the waste.
All the entrepreneurs/ industries engaged in generating, storing, disposing off any hazardous waste in the industry premise shall require the consent certificate from MPCB. The certificate is an assurance given to the board that the waste generated will be disposed of in the prescribed manner by MPCB.
The different categories specified by MPCB are as follows:
- Red category
- Green category
- Orange category
- White category
Classification of industry is based on the pollution generated by the industry.
Following are the documents required for MPCB Registration:
- Consent application form.
- DD number bank for statutory fees.
- Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC) agreement.
- For non MIDC- NOC copy from Gram Panchayat is required to be submitted.
- Final design of the industry.
- Details of water utility, reused, etc in the industry.
- Details of every product manufactured in the industry.
- Details of Raw materials used in a month or on yearly basis.
- Details of manufactured products in a month.
- Details of all the waste produced and procedure for its decomposing.
- All other required details by the MPCB authority.
- All health care establishments
- All manufacturing units
- E- waste management substances
- Solid waste management substances
- Hazardous waste management substances
- Battery waste management substances
- Plastic waste management substances
- Bio- medical waste management substances
- All other traders engaged in such similar workings.
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